If you are a science major and looking for a great place to get peer tutoring on your major courses or just a place to hangout, study, or collaborate, checkout the Science Peer Learning Center! Free peer tutors are available to help with BIOL, MATH, CHEM, STAT, & PHYS courses!

Available Support:

  • Tutoring


Butler Hall Room 009 & Online via Zoom


Phone: 979-845-7747


Monday - Thursday: 9:00am - 6:00pm

Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm

Additional Information:

The hours are 9am-6pm Mon-Thur and 9am-4pm on Fridays. Tutors are available via zoom and in person depending on the shift. The schedule with Zoom links can be accessed on ourSPLC Schedule link, and an image of the schedule is available on the website.